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Contact:Andy Wen


Tel: +86 755 26465050
Fax: +86 755 26465050 

Address: Building #D,Tongfu Industrial Park, No.8, Jiangfu Road, Xinzhuang Block, Matian Subdistrict, Guangming District,Shenzhen 518106,Guangdong, P.R. China

Company news

Pmold Move Announcement

Time:2020-07-01 Views:25
Dear Valued customers and business partners, 

I am thrilled to announce that Pmold is moving facility in 1st, July. Please make note of the following key address. 

The new address now is : building#D , Tongfu Industrial Park, No. 8, Jiangfu Road, Xinzhuang Block, Matian Subdistrict , Guangming District, Shenzhen 518106, Guangdong, China. 

Please contact us if you have any specific questions or concerns.

Shenzhen Pmold Technology,.Ltd
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